Save Blackboard

NodeCanvas Forums Support Save Blackboard

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  • #10702

    Hi Nuv,

    Could you give me an example of how to use the Save & Load Blackboard nodes please?

    Looking at coding, I figure I would need a script with OnApplicationQuit() to save but how would I accomplish that with NC?

    I also looked at FlowCanvas, they have the PlayerPrefs nodes to accomplish the same… but still no OnApplicationQuit().

    I found the following info for anyone else interested in this topic:

    Here is a blurb from there:


    I have an idea of how to do this, let me know if this might work…

    Create an FSM on my GameManager GO which is the global Parent. Then add in a SuperActionState, using the OnEnter to LoadBlackboard & OnExit to SaveBlackboard.

    Could it be this simple? If it is, I have a following question… SuperActionState is defaulted as check continuously. Performance hit? And if so, could I incorporate Check Manually?

    I’ll have a go at implementing tomorrow, running out of time tonight…



    The Save and Load Blackboard actions, save and load all the variables of the blackboard in PlayerPrefs. The string parameters of the actions here, is used to specify the key in which they will be saved or loaded from. It’s really straightfoward to use. Basicaly you can use Save Blackboard and Load Blackboard actions anywhere you need.

    Is this what you are trying to achieve? Can you please provide a bit more info, because I think I misuderstand the question? 🙂


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