Seek question for RTS game

NodeCanvas Forums General Discussion Seek question for RTS game


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    Hi guys,

    I’m doing a RTS game, and I’m using the seek to make my units go to a target.
    So far so good, the problem is, let’s say I have 5 units, and I tell all to go to the same place, once they arrive the destination, they keep trying to reach the target position, pushing the others.
    So in the end, all units keep “shacking” trying to reach the final position.

    Anybody have any idea in how I can avoid this kind of issue?



    Nor familiar with the seek method you’re using, but I think the common RTSA approach is twofold:

    For group movement, manage requests for paths as a group, and apply a formation pattern, so each unit gets a unique destination.
    The second part is local avoidance, or dynamic obstacles, etc. where if a unit encounters a block at its destination it makes a best effort to stop as close as possible. You need this system anyway, for when opposing forces fight for the same location.

    I believe Apex Path and its extension Apex Steer can handle most of this for you, and ApexPath has some integration into NC as well (and is also easy to extend, I am using AP with NC). There’s probably other assets which do some of this as well.



    I will take a look on apex path… the problem is the price, I a little bit high for me have both… but thanks 🙂

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