Send Event Playmaker check event Nodecanvas

NodeCanvas Forums Support Send Event Playmaker check event Nodecanvas

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  • #11956

    Could you put a visual example of the proper use of “Playmaker send event” towards NodeCanvas “check event”. I am struggling to make it work. Especially with interruptors Decorator or conditionals Decorator.
    Thanks in advance



    I’d gladly make a visual example, but I’d first like to understand what kind example you are after 🙂
    – The NodeCanvas “Check Event” condition is for checking NodeCanvas only events, send with the NodeCanvas “Send Event” action.
    – The “Playmaker Send Event”, is just sending an event to the target Playmaker FSM. It is then totally up to the Playmaker design how this event is used if at all.

    So, it is very important to clarify, that NodeCanvas events and Playmaker events are two totally different systems.

    Once again, please let me know what kind of example you would like to see.

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    I know I explain myself very badly. within your Playmaker download, you provide two very interesting Playmaker actions called “Send Global Event” and “Send Owner Event” That I assume are directed to a Behaviour Tree Owner Script. In the NodeCanvas Documentation it says:

    In regards to FSMs, using events is very straigtforward, but using events in BehaviourTrees along with the various Decorators included allows for a lot of flexibility in designing a behaviour tree. For example:
    You can use a CheckEvent along with an Interruptor Decorator to interrupt the decorated child if the event is received.
    You can use a CheckEvent along with a Conditional Decorator to trigger access to the decorated child when the event is received.

    That is what I am trying to to do, but with little success. I am trying to Send an event from Playmaker to a branch/leaf in Nodecanvas that has an Interruptor Decorator or a branch that has a Conditional Decorator.

    Kind regards


    the Playmaker actions: Send Owner Event and Send Global Event can only select events from a Nodecavas Behaviour Tree Owner. That sound good. But how do the work?



    Events send to NodeCanvas can be checked, by using the NodeCanvas condition named “Check Event” found under the “Utility” category.
    This condition, like all the other, can be assigned to nodes that accept conditions. Such nodes include the Interrupt Decorator as well as the Conditional Decorator.

    In the following simple example tree, we have a Selector which will first execute the “Wait 999 seconds” action. If *while* this action is running an event named “MyEvent” is send to this BehaviourTree (or it’s owner) by any means, the Interrupt Decorator, will interrupt the action and return Failure back to the Selector. Thus the Selector will then proceed to the next action (Log Text) and Log “OK” to the console.


    Let me know if that helps.

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