Thanks for all the suggestions.
Nested ActionList and ConditionList indeed work fine functionality wise, but the UI will need a lot of changes.
I initially did not allow such nested lists to keep thing simpler and with more clarity, even though it IS possible.
I will take a second look this this though.
About gizmos, Gizmos are already called for conditions as well as actions. Task.cs which they both derive from, already has a virtual methods for gizmos which you can override.
Can you please let me know in which case gizmos are not called when they should?
They are not called in the code.
Nothing call the functions.
If you override them in ConditionTask, you can’t see gizmos. I am 100% sure, because with 2 projects, no one was drawing my gizmos for ConditionTasks.
ConditonList in ConditionList will be cool btw, i use that like I said for multiple conditions and it works perfectly. Just the UI is ambiguous.
Same for ActionList in ActionList.