When viewing task descriptions of Get/Set/Check Property/Field or Execute/Check Function, it is often not obvious what type of component is used.
Consider: $Frog.set_enabled = False
I changed the code, so it reads: $Frog.SpriteRenderer.enabled = False
(Showing the component type and removing ‘set_’ and ‘get_’)
Additionally, when the agent is not overridden, I’ve removed ‘owner.’:
Instead of: $Offset = owner.get_offset
Showing: $Offset = CircleCollider2D.offset
I would very much like to see this officially supported if possible. What do you think of these suggestions?
The only reason why the type name is not displayed, is to reserve spacing and to make the display info as short as possible.
While in certain cases it might be ambiguous to see which component the member is called, I think that in most cases it is fine.
I would be very skeptical to change this and thus make all infos quite larger to be honest.