NodeCanvas Forums › General Discussion › Some Suggestions
I made a lot of changes on my NC version. These work pretty well. If you need some code tell me and I can give it to you. Gavalakis, if you do all these modifications it will be easier for me when I update my NC version :).
– Possibility to remove hierarchy icon
– Left alignement of task summary in node (see NC_action.png)
– Add a separator between tasks in action list node (see NC_action.png)
– Add a bullet for each task in action list node (see NC_action.png)
– Allow to change disable node color (or make default color darker), I can’t see difference when node is enabled or disabled (see NC_disabled.png)
– Add shortcuts to collapse, toggle breakpoint, toggle active.
– ShowIf attribute with two fields (instead of only one)
– Add some frequently used type in Add New Variable menu of BB Editor (bool, float, int, Transform, Vector3) (see NC_add_variable.png)
– Allow to use custom drawer in VariableField instead of GenericInspectorWindow (very annoying to have fields in independant window) when it can be displayed in a single line
– Add prefs to toggle some stuff : Open script on double click on a action node(can be annoying for a designer), show grid, show gizmos
– Add CamelHumps search (like JetBrains softs :, can be very usefull when you have a lot of tasks (see NC_camelhumps.png)
– Nicify variable name (using ObjectNames.NicifyVariableName of Unity) in task inspector
– Add copy/paste buttons for tasks (see NC_copy_paste.png)
– Restore last search when opening Tasks browser
Bug fixes:
– Fix the bug when you delete a task in an action list and there is one task remaining which are disabled.
– Fix ExternalInspectorWindow repaint while dragging (tasks)
– Fix deprecated EnumMaskPopup in BlackBoardEditor
– Fix GenericMenuBrowser when toggling “FavOnly” not display empty category anymore
Not implemented yet:
– Log graph name in Type Request Error, very difficult to find where task type is missing (type missing causes huge graph deserialization time)
– Add a binary serializer
Gavalakis, it could be easier to communicate with email or other, if you want my piece of codes. Thank you!
Thanks a lot for taking the time to list your changes. Some of those look/sound pretty nice additions indeed (as well as fixes and todo) and I will gladly implement most of them officially 🙂
The only thing I am not sure about are the Tasks display in the node. While in the particular screenshot it looks nice, I think that with bullets and a separator, it ultimately makes a node take up a lot more space in case there are many tasks assigned, where I’d really prefer the space required to stay at a minimum 🙂
Regarding your other changes/fixes, by all means, if you want please do send me an email ( and I will try add them in the next version iteration! 🙂
Thanks again for the interesting adds and fixes! 🙂
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Sorry I haven’t yet found time to write you this email. I will try to send it soon!
Hey Gavalakis,
Do you have a private github (or something like that) where I can do pull requests, it would be easier for me rather than sending a email with a lot of code and explications? Thanks.
Yes, The source control is on GitLab. If you have an account there, let me know of your user name and I will invite you 🙂
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My account name on GitLab is PsyKaw. Thanks you!
Hey Gavalakis,
Thanks for add me on GitLab but I haven’t permission to create a merge request.
Or I don’t know how to do it, usually I don’t use GitLab.
My bad 🙂
I’ve now changed your permissions to be able to create a merge request.
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Sorry for the late anwser. I’ve start to make some merge requests. I’m not a Git expert but I’m gonna make one merge request for each fix/feature so you can choose which merge into master or not. Is it ok for you ?
That is totally fine and great! Thank you!
I will take a look at the requests as soon as I possibly can 🙂
Thanks again!
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I have updated my pull request with all the changes on my NodeCanvas repo.
I’m aware than you don’t want all this changes but you can pick any commit separatly.
Look at Utils Window which is very helpfull to:
-SubGraph explorer (with treeview), very usefull when you have a lot of subgraphs.
-FindTask to find task by name in asset graphs (not work in bounded but can be implemented)
-FindVaraible to find in which graphs is used a GlobalBlackboard variable.
And copy/paste tasks. I have added some buttons to simplify these actions (cf attachment copy-paste.png).
Thanks a lot! I am sorry I haven’t thoroughly looked at the pull request yet, but the only reason was due to summer and summer vacation.
Now that summer almost lies in the past I will definitely take a better look! 🙂
Thanks again!
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Many of those changes look very nice, but I would like to note that I think those extra copy paste buttons make the action list more noisy to look at. I was pleasantly surprised to see that a recent NodeCanvas removed the dedicated button to open a task. A clean interface with fewer lines is preferable in my opinion. I think NodeCanvas could use a pass on some of the interface elements, simplifying what it looks like. (I think I may write down some suggestions later)