just got Node Canvas and really like it. I’m trying to spawn a group of AI that all use their own instance of the same Behavior Tree. but when they spawn, they all play the same animation, and I get a “Infinite Loop” error detected.
the AI works fine when it’s just a single AI, although I’ve seen it when I duplicate the soldier also.
I just rechecked duplicating the soldier couple of times and it works.Hm..
Is the ‘infinite loop’ the only error you are getting?
What do you mean that they all play the same animation?
Is it at all possible sending me an error reproduction project? If so please send it to info_at_nodecanvas.com
Oh, another thing I just noticed on top of the email I’ve send you, is that you have set the behaviour to run only once.
On the BehaviourTreeOwner, ‘Forever’ is checked off.