What is the practical use for Status.Resting? I’m not sure why it’s there.
In my opinion, node WaitUntil could also be useful without any child connections, but currently the node just returns Status.Resting if there is no child node connection.
Status.Resting, is the status that the node has when it’s neither of the other 🙂
That means for example, neither Running, nor Success or Failure, and is the status that the node is set to when it “Resets”, which also takes place after a tree traversal.
When a Status.Resting is returned to a parent node, it is treated similar to being “optional”, since once again, it’s neither Success, nor Failure for example. Thus a more correct Status to return when WaitUntil has no child, would actually be “Status.Optional” which was introduced a bit recently (and I omitted to update).
Are you suggesting something like this change in WaitUntil node?
Yes, I was wondering if the system could do without Status.Resting and maybe that would make some things more simple to reason about while authoring BTs.
And yes, I did have something like that in mind. However, if that breaks overall consistency of decorator nodes in your view then it’s probably not a good idea. In any case, it would be nice to have either a WaitUntil like node that can be used by itself or a WaitUntil task perhaps? I now use a repeat until success and a condition node to get the same effect.
Hmm. The Status.Resting is a very important status which marks a node as “not yet executed after a tree traversal reset”, thus it is not really possible (at least with how the framework is currently set) to simply remove it 🙂
Having said that, I have noted down your request of a WaitUntil like node for the next version. Even though the solution posted before does indeed change the decorator functionality consistency, it is something that I could add since it can be a bit redundant to create another node that practically does the same thing with only a few changes overall. I will have to think a bit more about this, but I will probably make another node, even if only for consistency matters. 🙂
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