Our project stuck when loading ai. Load a ai, json parsing and graph reconstruction will take up almost 80% resources , memory consumption exceeded more than 5M. Although we use the preload mechanism when the level is loaded , but the memory consumption increases, and the placing of the monster has a lot of limitations. It is strongly recommended to improve the efficiency of deserialization. Otherwise, for a gaming experience that there is a lot of damage . Sorry , my native language is not English , I hope not wrong expression , thank you 🙂
Indeed, I will have to greatly optimize deserialization. It is already in the immediate TODO list and I hope I manage to improve it for the next version.
This is a great product, but I am having the same issue with my company games. This really limit us how many monsters to put into each level. Right now, it use about 40MB to deserialize and the tree is not even big. I have about 30 nodes and 10 variables in the character. And there is about 10 to 20 different characters in each level. I hope you can improve this soon.