I updated my Unity editor version, and also updated nodecanvas version.
In the process something went wrong, I think it might be related to some task and conditions and created and lost from my previous version.
I recreated these tasks and conditions, and recontructed my behaviour trees.
Everything seemed to work correctly, but every time I run my game, I get several of these messages:
“The referenced script on this Behaviour is missing!”
Is there a way to delete existing BTs? Removing them from the GameObject is not enough, since they are only a reference.
How can I achieve this?
One of the bad things of the fact that NC is currently working with MonoBehaviours is this phenomenon, but I would like to let you know that VERY soon NodeCanvas version 2 will be available which relieves from this issue. Unfortunately though version 2 will not be backwards compatible. If you are in the process of starting a project, I would reccomend that you wait for version 2 for a lot of reasons (I can send it to you sooner than it becomes live on the asset store as well if you need).
If you are in the middle of a project, that is fine since I will provide support and updates to version 1.6 and up, until needed.
Now, regarding the specific issue you are after you can open up Graph.cs and find the property named doHide and make it return false. Doing this will no more hide the root gameobject on which nodes and tasks are stored and will allow you to remove those “missing components”.
Let me know if you have any other questions of need any further support.