Thanks for solving the check event string. How do we solve the rest of the other CheckEvent Conditions such as integer, bool, etc. Most of the Unity don’t show fields for values to check.
Will these changes make it in the next version.
Kind regards
I have attached for you here a unitypackage with the fixed version of CheckEvent for both normal CheckEvent as well as CheckEvent (T).
Of course in the next version (very soon), these fixes will be included! 🙂
Let me know if your encounter any issues after the attached unitypackage fix.
Hmm. Do you mean the patch I uploaded in my first post?
That patch, by no means alters the nodes in any way, but rather only adds two lines of code to make the “Event Name” show up in the inspector.
Are you certain that the nodes were not placed like this before? It’s really strange thing for the patch to alter those in any way. :/
Thank you.
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