I’m hoping to use a custom timing solution (currently evaluating Chronos) to have better control over pausing/slowing down/speeding up parts of our game independently. I’d like to have control over the deltaTime used by ActionTasks and ConditionTasks but I’m not sure what elegant approach there is to take. I was wondering if the way to do this was through Graph.UpdateGraph(float deltaTime). It seems though that some of the built-in actions use Time.deltaTime directly, and there doesn’t appear to be a way to access Graph.deltaTime from ActionTask and ConditionTask. Would you have a suggestion for how I could modify NodeCanvas to make use of Graph.deltaTime everywhere? Would it be better to edit the existing classes, or is there a way for me to extend NodeCanvas without altering the framework directly?
I saw that there’s an available Chronos plugin for NodeCanvas, but it looks like it’s more about NodeCanvas controlling Chronos than the other way around. It doesn’t have to be a Chronos-specific solution, really. Just any way for me to apply a global simulation speed modifier to a NodeCanvas graph and its nodes.
Apparently, you CAN access the Graph.deltaTime in an ActionTask using ownerSystem.deltaTime! I could swear I checked ITaskSystem before, but apparently I didn’t. All good!
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