Version 2.6.2

NodeCanvas Forums Announcements Version 2.6.2

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  • #11643

    New: Unity 5.5 support.
    New: Editor performance improvements.
    New: Improved Re-Linking connections and now also possible for BehaviourTree and Dialogue Tree nodes.
    New: Action/Condition Lists are now handled automatically.
    New: Types (including generic types) and methods will now resolve and fallback to other matches by searching types without namespace.
    New: SubDialogue Tree node for Dialogue Trees.
    New: Dialogue Tree asset graphs are now possible to be created and be used in a similar way that BTs and FSMs do.
    Mod: FSM SuperActionState node will now auto-Finish if there are not OnUpdate list actions.
    Mod: Node/Task Browser is now considerably smaller in size.
    Mod: Obsolete methods/properties and fields are now excluded from menus.
    Fix: Duplicate and Delete shortcuts for multiple nodes. Fix: Panning Graph is now undoable.
    Fix: Control Graph Owner action task when set to StopBehaviour of “self” agent.
    Fix: Memory allocations when using Dynamic Variables.
    Fix: Export to JSON, will now correctly include derived graph data if any.

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