so there is something we noticed with node canvas, when used with addressables.
when we hit play in the editor, the addressables system will try to warmup all addressable assets. normally, this is very fast, but in the case of nodecanvas assets, it is very slow. i’ve debugged, and noticed that in my game, we lose about 20seconds in OnBeforeSerialize/OnAfterDeserialize.
this is because for every asset marked as addressable, unity will call those functions. since they are very heavy (json deserialization) and we have many nodecanvas assets in addressables (hundreds), we lose about 20 seconds entering playmode every time.
this time keeps growing as we add more nodecanvas assets.
we are still on 2.9.x. we tried to update to 3.x, but the lib still suffer from the same issue.
While I don’t yet have much personal experience with addressable and how they specifically work, does the new Unity’s “fast enter play mode” (no domain reload) introduced in 2019.3 alleviate this problem for you? ( -> )
Let me know and if not, I will try to dig into addresables and hopefully find some workaround if possible.
Thank you.
unfortunatly, our game doesnt work with “no-domain reload”. we are still using unity 2019.2. we’ll be updating to .3 in the next few week, but I doubt we’ll be able to just turn on the fast enter playmode easily.
we will definetly try it once/if we get there.
in the meantime, addressables have been released officially for at least a year now, I’m surprise this issue hasn’t come up yet.
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