On second thought it looks as if I search for the property I can get to it that way. Unfortunately it doesn’t look like this will work with ScriptableObjects though. Is this intended behavior?
There used to be a relevant bug but it has been fixed in latest version. Are you currently using the latest version 2.81?
Regarding ScriptableObjects, they are not supported right now to assign as the target of a task. Adding support for ScriptableObject there, is something I think that could be added with ease though. I will take a look at that soon 🙂
Yes I’m on the latest version 2.81 and it appears the bug is still there. I double check the version though and get back to you.
As for the scriptable obects. Currently I have a use case where this is really important. Is there a script you can direct my attention to, to allow me to modify this?
Just confirmed I am in indeed on 2.81 and still experiencing the bug. I wonder if it has something to do with NodeCanvas being in the Plugins folder for me.
Please ignore and excuse my previous answer. I was a bit tired and confused things that were added and things that were not 🙂
So, regarding the CheckProperty issue, I have attached for you here a package which has relevant fixed file included. This will properly show both static and instance properties (as well as methods and field).
This change will also allow you to select ScriptableObjects properties, BUT, it will not really work. Regarding the ability to use ScriptableObjects, there are a really lot of changes required to be made in various placed, since the system was build around the fact that AgentType, is a Component type. I will though go through and make these changes and hopefully be able to support ScriptableObjects (or even any object type) soon.
Once again, please check the attached package and let me know if at least the issue with properties is fixed.