Hello and welcome! I’m glad you enjoy NodeCanvas! 🙂
Even though there was a lot of refactoring and updates since back then, the last time I tried implementing this, it was unfortunately still a pain as to keep it safe in the frontend :-/ I will give this another look however!
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Hello again and really sorry for the late reply!
I got another report of a similar crash on that exact same Unity version (2022.3.41f1 ). I tried current v 2022.3.57f1 and everything works fine with no crash. It seems to have been an issue with Unity 2022.3.41f1 specifically that though they fixed since these are the only 2 reports of a crash and are both on 2022.3.41f1. Can you please upgrade to any other 2022.3.x version (eg 2022.3.57f1) and confirm that everything is working fine?
Thank you and once again sorry for the late reply!
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Please take down the github repository or at least the ParadoxNotion folder.
Distribution is not allowed ( EULA: https://unity.com/legal/as-terms )
With that said, I got another report of similar crashing specifically on that same Unity version (2022.3.41f), but I tested the project on 2022.3.57f (which is the current latest 2022.3.x version and it works fine with no crash. It seems an issue with Unity 2022.3.41f that has been fixed by them. Can you confirm there is no problem on any other version?
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Hello Keely!
Sorry that these issues happen and thank you for the information you provided. Can you please send me the editor log file after a crash takes place? These are the locations of the editor.log file on various systems (taken from Unity documentation here):
macOS ~/Library/Logs/Unity/Editor.log
Windows XP C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data_\Unity\Editor\Editor.log
Windows Vista/7 C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Unity\Editor\Editor.log
Thank you!
( I will also take a look at this regardless based on the information you told me 🙂
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Unfortunately there is not such option now. Do you suggest an attribute to set the default behaviour to be folded instead of unfolded?
Thank you for your suggestion 🙂
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Thank you for the update. I am glad you solved the issue.
Best regards 🙂
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Hello. I just wanted to let you know that your feature request is noted down 🙂
Thank you.
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Hello there,
There was indeed an issue recently with wordpress update. All downloads are now back working correctly 🙂
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Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on the situation :)), the dynamic selector is designed to work like that (meaning to interrupt everything below it). Based on your tree design, you could probably add another condition on the right dynamic selector branch to also check a boolean variable like ‘isExploding’ and set the conditions to “ANY TRUE”. So the conditions will look like ‘if Distance < 15 to $Player OR $isExploding’.
Then of course you will also need to set that $isExploding variable somewhere (probably next to the ‘Self.Explode() action task).
Let me know if that works for you.
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Hello again. I can confirm that in Unity 2023 that is indeed the case (probably Unity changed something again). That was not the case in any previous Unity versions where copy/pasting worked fine utill now. I will check to see what Unity changed in version 2023.
Thanks for letting me know.
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Can you please rephrase your question? I didn’t really understand what you meant 🙂
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Hello there. If it is a showstopper for you now, I can send you a quickfix to your email. If so please send me an email to support_AT_paradoxnotion.com.
Best regards.
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Hello there,
The performance hit of ‘CheckInstance’ should be only once when the sub-graph is executed for the first time (and that is also when it initializes). Can you please confirm that? You can also enable “Pre-Initialize SubGraphs” in the inspector of the FSMOwner of BehaviourTreeOwner respectively. That will pre-initialize the subgraphs presented in the root graph of that FSMOwner or BehaviourTreeOwner respectively.
Let me know.
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The way to access those in both FSMState as well as ActionTasks is by subscribing to the according event in MonoManager. Here is the doc for ActionTasks but it is the same method for an FSMState -> https://nodecanvas.paradoxnotion.com/documentation/?section=using-fixedupdate-and-ongui
In an FSMState you would instead use OnEnter to subscribe and OnExit to unsubscribe.
PS: MonoManager also has and ‘onLateUpdate’ event even though it is not shown in the example codes in the docs page above).
Let me know if that works for you.
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Hello. This is not implemented officially.
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