Leaf nodes have no children at all and they live by the end of a branch.
The Action Node will execute an Action Task assigned. The Action node will return Running until the Action Task is finished at which point it will return Success or Failure based on the Action Task assigned.
Remember that wherever an Action Task can be assigned, multiple ones can as well. NodeCanvas will automatically create an Action List if you assign more than one Action Task. This is true everywhere.
The Condition Node will execute a Condition Task and return Success or Failure based on that Condition Task.
Remember that wherever a condition task can be assigned, multiple ones can as well. NodeCanvas will automatically create a Condition List if you assign more than one Condition Task. This is true everywhere.
Composites work with multiple child nodes and execute them in some order based on the composite functionality.
The Sequencer executes its child nodes in order from highest to lowest priority (left to right). It will return Failure as soon as any child returns Failure. It will return Success if all children return Success.
A Dynamic Sequencer will revaluate higher priority children Status changes. So if a higher priority child returns Failure, the Sequencer will Interrupt the currently Running child and return Failure as well. This is extremely useful to create dynamic and immediate responses to higher priority status changes, most commonly to conditions.
A Random Sequencer will shuffle its children on each reset and then execute them in the new order.
The Selector executes its child nodes in order from highest to lowest priority (left to right). It will return Success as soon as any child returns Success. It will return Failure if all children return Failure.
A Dynamic Selector will reevaluate higher priority children Status changes. So if a higher priority child status returns Success, the Selector will interrupt the currently Running child and return Success as well. Like the sequencer, this is extremely useful to respond immediately to status changes of higher priority children, most commonly to conditions.
A Random Sequencer will shuffle its children on each reset and then start executing them in the new order.
The Probability Selector will select and execute a child node based on its chance to be selected. If that selected child returns Success, the Probability Selector will also return Success. If it returns Failure though, a new child will be picked (similar to a normal Selector). The Probability Selector will return Failure if all children returned Failure, or may immediately return Failure if a ‘Failure Chance’ is introduced.
The connections will read the final chances for each child calculated based on all probability values and the direct failure chance.
Used for Utility AI, the Priority Selector executes the child with the highest utility weight and if another child was already running interrupts that child. If the selected child fails, the Priority Selector will move to the next highest utility weight child until one succeeds (similar to a normal Selector).
Each child branch represents a “desire”, where each desire has one or more “considerations”.
Considerations are a pair of an input float value and a curve which together produce the consideration utility weight by evaluating the curve with the input value. A curve is optional and if left null, the consideration utility weight will simply be that of the input float value. If multiple considerations are used within a desire, all their weights will be averaged to produce the final desire utility weight for the child branch.
The connections will read the final desire utility weight for each child.
The Parallel will execute all its children simultaneously. It can be set to have the policy of a Sequencer or a Selector like so:
First Failure. As soon as any child returns Failure, the parallel will reset all current Running children and return Failure as well. Otherwise it will return Success when all children have returned Success.
First Success. As soon as any child returns Success, the parallel will reset all current Running children and return Success as well. Otherwise it will return Failure when all children have returned Failure.
The Parallel also has a third policy called First Success Or Failure, which as the name suggests, will return Success or Failure as soon as the first child returns Success or Failure.
The Parallel can be set to “Repeat” finished child nodes until the policy requirements are met, or until all children have had a chance to finish at least once.
The Flip Selector works like a normal Selector, but once a child node returns Success it is moved to the end (right). As a result, previously Failed children will always be executed first and recently Successful children last.
The Switch composite can switch either an Enum or an Integer value. Depending on what the current Enum or integer value is, it will execute the respective child node and return its status. If another child node is already Running, it will not be interrupted unless the Dynamic option is enabled. The connections will read the integer or enum value for each child.
This node is extremely useful for creating state-like behaviours and switching between them.
Decorators always have one child node. They usually give extra functionality to that child, filter it or modify it in some way.
Conditional will execute its child node only if the condition assigned is true and then return whatever the child node returns. It will return Failure if the condition is false and the child node is not already Running, unless the Dynamic option is enabled in which case the condition is re-evaluated per tick and in case it fails, the child will be interrupted.
Interruptor is assigned a Condition Task. If the condition is or becomes true, the child node will be interrupted if Running and the Interruptor will return Failure. Otherwise, the Interruptor will return whatever the child node returns.
Note: The fact that the Interruptor can be assigned any condition, makes it possible for interruptions to happen due to any reason.
Inverter will remap its child node’s returned Success and Failure to the opposite.
Note: There also exists a Remapper decorator which is similar, but you can instead remap certain statuses to another status selectively.
Repeater will repeat its child either a Number of Times, or Until it returns a specific status, or Forever.
Filters the access of its child node either a specific Number of Times, or every specific amount of time (like a Cooldown). By default, this node will be treated as optional in regard to its parent node if it is filtered. Unchecking this option will instead return Failure.
Iterator will iterate a List taken from the Blackboard. On each iteration, the current iterated element can be stored on a blackboard variable and the child node will execute. The Iterator can be set to have one of the following policies:
First Success. Will break out of iteration and return Success as soon as the child returns Success.
First Failure. Will break out of iteration and return Failure as soon as the child returns Failure.
None. Will always iterate the whole list. In this case the Iterator will return its child status on the last iteration.
The Timeout decorator will interrupt the child node if it is Running for more time than the one specified in seconds. Otherwise, it will return whatever the child node returns.
Wait Until will return Running until the assigned Condition Task becomes true. If the condition becomes false after the child has been ticked, it will not interrupt it. The condition is checked only when the child is not already Running.
Monitor will monitor the status returned from the child and depending on that status may execute the action task assigned. The final status returned can either be the original decorated child status, or the new action task status.
The Optional Decorator executes the decorated child and returns Status.Optional to the parent, thus making the child optional in regards to its Success or Failure.
Protects the decorated child from Running if another Guard with the same specified token is already guarding (Running) that token. Guarding is global for all of the Behaviour Trees running for the same agent.
When protected, it can be set to either return Failure or Running.
Override Agent will set another Agent for the rest of the Behaviour Tree from this point and on. What this means is that every node underneath this decorator will now be ticked for that new agent and that every task “Self” parameter will use that new agent. You can also revert back to the original agent using another Override Agent later one and selecting the “Revert to Original” option.
Sub-Graphs are references to other entire graphs and are used for organization, reusability, and behaviour modularity.
A SubTree is an entire other Behaviour Tree. The SubTree node will return whatever the assigned Behaviour Tree’s root node (“Start”) returns.
The agent and the gameobject Blackboard will be passed down to the SubTree, thus all gameobject blackboard variables on the root BehaviourTreeOwner will be available to the SubTree as well. Remember that you can also use the Variables Mapping feature to map the local sub-graph variables to the parent graph variables!
Note: You can create a new SubTree out of a whole branch! To do this, right-click a composite node and select “Convert To SubTree”. This will create a new Behaviour Tree and a new SubTree Node. The selected node, as well as all of its children recursively, will be moved to that new Behaviour Tree. This is extremely useful to organize the behaviours without knowing beforehand how that organization should be.
SubFSM can be assigned an entire FSM. When executed, the FSM will Start. The SubFSM node will return Running for as long as the SubFSM is running. You can specify one state of the FSM for Success and another for Failure. As soon as the SubFSM enters any of those states, it will stop and this node will return Success or Failure accordingly. Otherwise, it will return Success when the SubFSM is finished somehow.
The agent and the gameobject Blackboard will be passed to the SubFSM, thus all gameobject blackboard variables of the root BehaviourTreeowner will be available to the SubFSM as well. Remember that you can also use the Variables Mapping feature to map the local sub-graph variables to the parent graph variables!
SubDialogue can be assigned an entire Dialogue Tree. When executed, the dialogue will Start. The SubDialogue node will return Running for as long as the SubDialogue is running. You can use the “Finish” Dialogue Tree node within the dialogue to return Success or Failure back to the Behaviour Tree. Remember that a Dialogue Tree finishes in Success by default if no nodes are left for it to execute.
The agent and the gameobject Blackboard will be passed to the SubDialogue, thus all gameobject blackboard variables of the root BehaviourTreeowner will be available to the SubDialogue as well. Remember that you can also use the Variables Mapping feature to map the local sub-graph variables to the parent graph variables!
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